Friday, February 20, 2009

Marttis computer is sick and will have to undergo some major surgery. So for the moment I'm squatting on my daughters laptop. Oh the joys of technology! Also thank heaven for daughters with laptops :) .
This same daughter (one of four) ran out of petrol the other day and phoned me to see what she could do . Cavalry to the rescue! Mother jumps into some warm clothes and then into the car, grabbing a cannister that we keep filled up for the lawn mower. I found a very folorn daughter sitting in her car on a little road in the middle of the wintery fields. We emptied the petrol into the car but also on the car ,on her shoes and on the road. We are bad pourers and there was a bit of a leak. Off goes my daughter very happy but in a hurry because she has to get to work. Not even five minutes had passed when I got a SOS from her again .The car had stopped again. Off to the rescue! We pushed the car into a car park and I took her to work. The long and short of this story is that some silly person had filled up our cleary marked cannister with Diesel and the car is not a diesel. Nobody has owned up as yet!
Now the car is back on the road again happily after having its tank emptied out and a refill of petrol and a tow start. Life is never boring in our house, we always find something amusing to do!

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